Our new logo is called the Radiant Heart, but you’re the one who’ll make it shine.

We’re putting our heart where it matters.

A big welcome. We have unified our regulated services, Liberty Utilities, and our renewable energy group, Liberty Power, as one brand – Liberty. Our commitment to our customers, our communities, and our fellow colleagues remains the same. 

You will find on this site the evolution of our brand and our brand story in the “Our brand” section. You will find our brand explained, including our Radiant Heart logo and the thinking behind it, in the “Our brand and you” section.

If you are interested in learning about how to use the brand and the tools available to you, please go to the “Resources section.” For additional questions you may have, please find them in the “FAQ” section.

You will also find contact information about the brand committee who has worked tirelessly in the last 18 months to bring this brand to life.

Exciting and positive changes are on the way. The changes to our brand will happen gradually internally and externally, starting with our digital assets and communication materials, and eventually physical changes including items such as uniforms, vehicles, and signage throughout 2021.

Every day we are adopting clean, sustainable energy and water solutions to reduce our carbon footprint. We will always remember that you, our employees, and our customers are at the heart of everything we do.